Your music, on rotation,
in 100+ mobile games!

Mobile gamers stream more than 2x and spend more than 4x the average listener.  Get your songs heard by millions of such gamers!

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showcase of in game music player in mobile game

Our cutting-edge in-game music player seamlessly plays your songs and showcases your artwork into the heart of popular mobile games, reaching the highly lucrative  gaming audience!

Unleash the power of music marketing in games

Convert Listeners into Fans and Propel Your Career

With a tap on your artwork, listeners are instantly directed to your desired link, whether it's your streaming platform, social media pages, or merchandise store. This seamless connection converts casual listeners into devoted fans, driving traffic and engagement that help you reach your career goals.

Achieve Unprecedented Exposure

Plug into our network of viral mobile games and gain direct access to a vast audience of passionate gamers. Your music will resonate with millions of active players, propelling your streams, followers, and fan base to new heights.

Gain valuable insights with comprehensive  analytics

We provide music promotion relevant metrics like Listen Through Rate (LTR) - measured as a 30 second at minimum 30% volume, demographics, platform, geographies, apart from the standard Clicks , Click through rate (CTR) and impressions.

Unlock new revenue streams

With our in-game music player, your music isn't just heard; it becomes integral to the gaming experience. The increased retention provided by your songs opens new sync opportunities for your music.

We are excited to launch our pilot campaign with limited songs which will be playing on rotation in these games from Q2 2024

Get your song submissions in now so you are guaranteed a spot!

Submit your songs now!

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